…would mean the work couldn’t even start until 10 months after the [order]…and after they sat in our living room for 7 of those months.
Category: Denver
I don’t vote…
I don’t vote for racists, rapists, or republicans.
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Our local Denver Art Museum is hosting a very large exhibit on Where the Wild Things Are, about the life and works of Maurice Sendak.
Denver Public School teachers fighting for 5.2%
“Denver Public Schools (DPS) teachers are fighting for a 5.2% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that was agreed upon in their 2022 contract with the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA).” This battle has been going on since at least May. Today, educators decked out in red, met on the state capital steps, and then marched to the…
The Poetry Brothel
The Poetry Brothel was incredible!
Happy Fall, Y’all!
Today is the Fall Equinox. First day of fall. Yesterday was the day of cooler temperatures. …and the first fall drizzle (for some, rain for others). …and the first snow for those above 9400′. Crested Butte (from our bestest local weather guy Kody):
Puff Bene
Check out this Eggs Benedict. Instead of a an English muffin, it’s on puff pastry!
Bright Nights
Sometimes, we get so lucky that it’s scary. Often that is paired with some unlucky moments. Sometimes, things just work out the way they are supposed to. Unlucky #1: We wanted to go to the Bright Nights’ Adult Night, but it was while we were in Canada. So, we bought regular tickets and just picked…
Another long day
We came home from the long trip with as much stuff as we could, but we knew we’d need more trips. This was a productive first haul. We also cleaned like crazy…like as if we were going to sell her. We aren’t ready for that (and when we are, we’ll consider a pro), but we…
Protected: Spring storm
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.