Day 32: Nuku’alofa, Tonga We slept through docking…but it didn’t feel like we were docked. We were perched parallel to the shore and not in the (shallow) bay. Ocean waves are hitting the side of the boat and “shattering” it pretty hard. It was honestly rougher than the previous few days of passage. He made…
Tag: holiday
Happy Yule, Y’all
Happy Thanksgiving
happy thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
g’mar chatima tova
L’Shana Tova
Happy New Year
Happy GoTopless Day
“Support Equal Gender Topless Equality”
Happy National Lemonade Day
Happy National Lemonade Day
Happy International Childfree Day!
Earth has been celebrating International Childfree Day since 1973!