Category: love
Daddy would have loved….
Daddy would have loved this little comedy sketch.
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
g’mar chatima tova
Happy National Coming Out Day
Happy National Coming Out Day
L’Shana Tova
Happy New Year
Happy Bisexual Visibility Day!
If you are out there, know that I see you. You are loved. I’m well aware that I got lucky and fell in love in a straight relationship. My life has been easier for it. We have family who would fully disown me for knowing I am bi. (But it’s okay, I disowned them a…
Sister Weekend
His sisters came for a visit. All of them. On Friday the 13th! LOL! They had a tiny slumber party the night before their insanely early flight and were at our condo before 10am Mountain Time. We took them to our favorite lunch spot. It’s one we rarely visit early enough for breakfast. I got…