Backstory: I loved (still do) the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The first time I saw it, I thought, “This is a great movie. My teacher parents will hate it.” A while later, they saw it and told me they thought it was hilarious. I was surprised, but also proud, that they could laugh at a movie about a kid being sick of school, cheating his grades/attendance, and mocking the teachers and adminstrators.
In general, my dad loved to mix initial consonants on words. He did it for humor effect or emphasis. I think it came from pig latin being popular when he was younger. He might refer to a Rell Binging, a Peacher’s Tet, or a Gall Bame. It was one of his endearing quirks.
It “backfired” in a tiny way once, when he was the principal of a K-8 school. Some of the younger kids were in computer class. A kid made and printed a sign that read: “I’m going Nucking Futs!” The teacher was not amused and wanted my dad to punish him. Between snickers, Daddy just told her that he couldn’t punish the kid as he didn’t do/say anything wrong. I guess he could have implied punishment for the implied rule violation…? Anyway, it’s just a funny little story from one of the last years of his life.
In that same vain, he would have loved this little comedy sketch.