Day 4 – Bryce Canyon
We like to hit the National Parks later in the day. First, we are not morning larks. Second, we like to go when it’s less crowded–when people are already leaving. We have a picnic for supper and really get to enjoy most of the park without screaming children who are too young to appreciate what they are looking at (if they bother to look at all).
Today, that was a mistake. Our first stop: the Visitors’ Center at the Dixie National Forest. We got there at 3:05pm to find a locked door. They closed at 3pm. (But they are open until 5pm during the week. WTF?). Later in the day, and you can tell by the pictures, it got more and more cloudy and even rained a little. At the top, it was only 38ΒΊ and raining. brrrr.
And we did see a family with 5 kids at two of the stops. The two babies were being babies; they don’t know where they are. The two boys were running and playing (albeit “over there” and pretty quietly). Only the oldest-or-next-to daughter cared what they were seeing. What a waste of time for a family activity.
When we got back to the towns along the main route near our campground, all but one store was closed and the only reason they were open is that simply hadn’t been able to leave yet. We weren’t even the last ones in there, so clearly someone needs to keep some evening hours. Most of the business is tourism. There are a dozen or so campgrounds; most of these people are in tents or tiny campers and could need to get supplies. One bar was open and busy, but it looked country and biker, so we didn’t give them a chance, even on a Saturday evening.
At lest both of our schools won today! yay!

E captured this stunning image.


Day 5 – Sunday Funday
We started the morning with a light brunch and Episode 2 of the Baldur’s Gate 3 cast-as-players show. It was another great one and I’m “in love” with the Narrator, Amelia Tyler. Her voice is simply dripping in vanilla creme.
After the show, we went to a nearby pub for a fabulous lunch. The place was a little odd, but our food was grand. We then did a loop through part of the Dixie (needs to be renamed) National Forest and to see the Cedar Breaks National Monument.
Unfortunately, both our teams lost today.

Day 6 – Zion National Park
Well. I guess we can say we’ve been there.

Day 7 – chill
We like to book extra days. If we have energy and there is more to do, great. If not, we get a day to catch up on digital stuff, game, nap, whatever. Whether we needed it or not, this was a day of rest because we ran out of things we wanted to do in this area.
…and today was a perfect day to cook some rice and simmer our prepped/thawed Tikka Masala. yum!